Une image carrée blanche et vierge, sans contenu visible ni élément distinctif, qui rappelle une toile minimaliste dans un appartement parisien chic.




Une silhouette bleu foncé du bâtiment du Capitole des États-Unis, représentée de face avec un dôme central et des ailes de chaque côté. L'image est simple et stylisée, rappelant un joyau architectural que vous pourriez découvrir en travaillant avec un chasseur d'appartement à Paris.

Paris property hunter


Finding accommodation in Paris and its near suburbs has become a real challenge.
The capital’s property shortage means demand exceeds supply.

Our team of expert real estate hunters is on hand to inform you about the Paris real estate market, and make your plans a reality!


Both for a primary residence or a rental investment, is a real challenge and may feel like “looking for a needle in a haystack”!

This raises the question of whether it’s worthwhile to conduct your search with a Paris apartment hunter.

The real estate market is particularly “tight” for properties that are out of the ordinary (top floor, balcony, terrace, excellent floor plan…).

As for rental investment, there are always investors looking for good deals on properties in need of renovation.

Une silhouette transparente de la Tour Eiffel, avec sa structure en treillis emblématique et sa forme effilée, sur un fond uni. La tour est représentée de manière simplifiée et stylisée, rappelant les illustrations d'un guide chasseur d'appartement Paris, mettant en valeur sa silhouette et sa conception architecturale reconnaissables.

Walls in Paris


Opting for a property hunter not only saves you time and money, it also has a number of advantages

An average of 5 visits to find a property

Support through to installation

+90% success rate

98% satisfied customers

Une illustration détaillée en noir et blanc d’un ancien obélisque. Le monument haut et étroit à quatre côtés s'effile à mesure qu'il s'élève et est orné de hiéroglyphes. En arrière-plan, on aperçoit un immeuble classique qui rappelle un appartement de chasseurs vu de Paris 8.

Property hunter Île-de-France


Une aiguille tient un réveil à l’ancienne qui semble se désintégrer en fragments, symbolisant le passage du temps. Cette scène, qui rappelle un chasseur d'appartement Paris fouillant les couches de l'histoire, se déroule sur un fond sombre qui souligne le contraste entre l'aiguille solide et la forme dissolvante de l'horloge.

You're running out of time...

Une personne avec un sac à dos est assise sur une valise de style vintage avec des lanières de cuir, face à une grande carte du monde sur un mur orange. Ils semblent envisager un voyage ou une exploration en regardant la carte, rêvant peut-être de devenir chasseur d'appartement à Paris.

If you are an expatriate or live outside Paris...

Une personne en costume tenant une mallette interagit avec une grande carte du monde colorée accrochée au mur, rappelant les efforts de réseautage d'un chasseur d'appartement à Paris. La carte affiche différents pays reliés par des lignes lumineuses, suggérant des connexions mondiales. L'individu semble pointer du doigt un endroit sur la carte.

You're a foreigner...

Un couple souriant reçoit les clés d'un chasseur d'appartement Paris devant une maison en brique avec une porte de garage blanche. Le couple est habillé de façon décontractée, l'homme portant une veste en jean et un jean, et la femme portant un haut blanc et un jean. Ils ont l'air heureux et excités.

You are buying for the first time...

If you meet one or more of these criteria, and would like personalized assistance in realizing your real estate project without making a mistake, your Paris apartment hunter is at your disposal!

Take advantage of our knowledge of the Paris real estate market and our network to unearth the best offers and present you with an exclusive list of available properties.


Une silhouette bleu foncé du bâtiment du Capitole des États-Unis, représentée de face avec un dôme central et des ailes de chaque côté. L'image est simple et stylisée, rappelant un joyau architectural que vous pourriez découvrir en travaillant avec un chasseur d'appartement à Paris.

Paris property hunter

Find every opportunity

Un salon luxueux au décor élégant, doté d'un lustre, d'un grand canapé, d'une banquette rembourrée et d'une cheminée en marbre. Baigné de lumière naturelle provenant d'une grande fenêtre aux lourds rideaux, ce favori du chasseur d'appartement Paris est agrémenté de plantes et d'objets décoratifs.


Optimize your chances of buying the property of your dreams, from studios to family homes!
Des Murs à Paris gives you the benefit of its network of privileged contacts and expertise. We search and find the property of your dreams. All you have to do is enjoy the choice, and we secure your investment!

Unlike a real estate agency that defends the interests of sellers, our Paris apartment hunter defends the interests of buyers. He helps them benefit from the many opportunities on the market, including the "off market".
That's why at Des Murs à Paris, we're entirely dedicated to buyers and accompany them from A to Z, according to their budget, their tastes, their lifestyle and their criteria on 100% of the property for sale market (agencies, private individuals, notaries, property managers, estate agents) in Paris and its inner suburbs.
You're no longer alone in your search. Your Des
Murs à Paris acts as your personal assistant 7 days a week.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Un salon moderne comprend un fauteuil rembourré gris avec des boutons capitonnés. À côté, un lampadaire à bras en bois et abat-jour en métal illumine l'espace. Une table d'appoint ronde contenant un smartphone, un livre et une tasse de café complète l'installation confortable, parfaite pour toute inspiration de recherche du Chasseur d'appartement Paris.


The Des Murs à Paris team is proud to offer you reliable, professional services.
As a Paris apartment hunter, we rigorously comply with the legal
legal obligations of our profession. At all times, we comply with French law N° 70-9 of January 2, 1970, also known as the Hoguet law.
When you do business with one of our property hunters in the Paris region, you'll be accompanied through all the administrative procedures, with no up-front financial commitment. You only pay for the service if you buy a property!
A turnkey solution for anyone looking for a simple, efficient property search!

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Une silhouette transparente de la Tour Eiffel, avec sa structure en treillis emblématique et sa forme effilée, sur un fond uni. La tour est représentée de manière simplifiée et stylisée, rappelant les illustrations d'un guide chasseur d'appartement Paris, mettant en valeur sa silhouette et sa conception architecturale reconnaissables.

Walls in Paris


Opting for a property hunter not only saves you time and money, it also has a number of advantages

10 years experience in property hunting

Access to 100% of the Paris and Ile-de-France market

Buy at the best price

– 60 days to find the ideal property

Une silhouette bleu foncé du bâtiment du Capitole des États-Unis, représentée de face avec un dôme central et des ailes de chaque côté. L'image est simple et stylisée, rappelant un joyau architectural que vous pourriez découvrir en travaillant avec un chasseur d'appartement à Paris.

Walls in Paris


With Des Murs à Paris, no unnecessary visits! We offer you only the properties that match your aspirations, and work together to determine your needs and ensure that we meet them as effectively as possible. By choosing our services, you benefit from optimum support, thanks to our 5-stage process:


Defining your project and validating your budget

Together we identify the criteria for the ideal home, considering a list of precise points that we will follow to the letter during the search, and we validate your budget.

But there’s more to buying a property than a list of requirements. Your property hunter will help you prioritized your needs.

Your property hunter knows your desired geographical area inside out and will be able to advise you on alternatives you might not have thought of.

But first of all, you need to check your budget with your bank or a broker. Your flat hunter will be able to put you in touch with the best brokers, who will put you in competition with the banks best suited to your profile.

It’s important to remember that an agreement in principle from the broker will give you an advantage over the seller.

Your property hunter will be able to inform you of the overall cost of the purchase (notary fees, estimate of works, etc).

We analyse 100% of the market and mobilise our entire network to find the best properties for sale.

Your property hunter will be able to decipher the good from the bad ads and find off-market properties thanks to our relationships with over 1,000 agencies, solicitors, property managers and private individuals.

He or she will work for you on a daily basis to seize any opportunity that might pass you by.

This will save you a considerable amount of time, and you won’t miss out on a superb opportunity!

Visits to selected properties

Your Paris flat hunter will suggest properties that match your criteria and organize visits with or without you.

If your schedule allows, your property hunter will accompany you and advise you directly. If not, he or she will carry out the visit for you by producing a live report (by video or recorded video).

It generally takes 90 seconds to fall in love with a property, but you still need to be vigilant about ..:

The condition of the property and its co-ownership
Location and environment
The estimated cost of any renovation work required
Future co-ownership works

Your property hunter is fully conversant with the list of points to check. So all that’s left for you to do is enjoy the visit.

If there’s an offer to buy, we’ll help you negotiate the purchase by advising you on the value of the property,

Negotiation and purchase offer

Your property hunter will be able to define the right price for the property and negotiate it on the basis of his perfect knowledge of the market, the tools at his disposal and the condition of the property.

Your flat hunter will be objective by nature and will be able to defend your interests perfectly. He will negotiate at the right price, without affectation and based on tangible arguments. In this way, your offer to purchase is likely to be accepted by the seller, who will not be put off by the serious arguments put forward by a professional such as a property hunter.

And don’t forget that a well-prepared financial file (letter of agreement in principle for a loan or payment without conditions precedent) will give you a better chance of winning the bid!

From the offer to purchase to the deed of sale

We’ll be with you every step of the way, from the offer to purchase to the signing of the deed of sale, and even until you move in!

Once the offer has been accepted, and before the preliminary sale agreement is signed, your property hunter will analyse all the mandatory administrative documents (minutes of the AGM, co-ownership regulations, co-ownership and property tax charges, etc.) as well as the technical documents (diagnostics and DPE, boiler maintenance contract, co-ownership health booklet, etc.).

Once you have signed the preliminary sale agreement, you have 10 calendar days in which to withdraw, starting on the day after you receive the registered letter notifying you of the preliminary sale agreement.

If you do not withdraw, you will have to pay a maximum of 10% to your notary to validate your agreement.

The signed preliminary sale agreement must be deposited with the bank or broker (if there is a loan).

You should be aware that it generally takes 3 months from the time of the provisional sale agreement to the time of the deed of sale.

Between the preliminary sale agreement and the deed of sale, you are entitled to visit your property as many times as you wish, to plan your work and layout.

You only pay for the service if you buy a property!

Not buying? You pay nothing









Une silhouette transparente de la Tour Eiffel, avec sa structure en treillis emblématique et sa forme effilée, sur un fond uni. La tour est représentée de manière simplifiée et stylisée, rappelant les illustrations d'un guide chasseur d'appartement Paris, mettant en valeur sa silhouette et sa conception architecturale reconnaissables.

real estate hunter


Our services are tailored to your needs. We have the expertise to find you the ideal apartments in Paris, whether for :

Une silhouette transparente de la Tour Eiffel, avec sa structure en treillis emblématique et sa forme effilée, sur un fond uni. La tour est représentée de manière simplifiée et stylisée, rappelant les illustrations d'un guide chasseur d'appartement Paris, mettant en valeur sa silhouette et sa conception architecturale reconnaissables.

Walls in Paris

They talk about us

Une illustration détaillée en noir et blanc de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, mettant en valeur son architecture gothique emblématique avec ses tours jumelles, sa façade complexe et sa rosace centrale. L'image représente la vue de face du bâtiment historique, captivant tout chasseur d'appartement que Paris pourrait attirer par sa beauté intemporelle.

Paris property hunter


We are specialists in the property market, with a strong culture of service and customer relations, and a single objective: your total satisfaction.

We are committed to doing everything we can to find you the ideal property.

Our Ile-de-France property hunter and Paris flat hunter services are available 7 days a week.

Un salon luxueux et bien éclairé avec un mobilier élégant, doté de grandes fenêtres, de canapés modernes et d'une décoration chic. Le texte superposé indique « CHASSEUR IMMOBILIER », soulignant le savoir-faire d'un chasseur d'appartement à Paris, avec le logo « DES MURS PARIS » dans le coin supérieur droit.
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Une silhouette transparente de la Tour Eiffel, avec sa structure en treillis emblématique et sa forme effilée, sur un fond uni. La tour est représentée de manière simplifiée et stylisée, rappelant les illustrations d'un guide chasseur d'appartement Paris, mettant en valeur sa silhouette et sa conception architecturale reconnaissables.

Des murs à Paris

Tell us about your project using this contact form and one of our property hunters will contact you.

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CGU en
Une silhouette bleu foncé du bâtiment du Capitole des États-Unis, représentée de face avec un dôme central et des ailes de chaque côté. L'image est simple et stylisée, rappelant un joyau architectural que vous pourriez découvrir en travaillant avec un chasseur d'appartement à Paris.

Paris property hunter

THE answers to your questions

A property hunter is a real estate professional commissioned by a buyer to take charge of his or her property search according to defined criteria.

Using a property hunter means saving time and money.
Delegating your search allows you to acquire a property with peace of mind, leaving only the pleasure of choice.

The property hunter defends the buyer’s interests, and the estate agent defends the seller’s interests.

A search mandate is a contract between a potential buyer of a property and a real estate agent who will undertake the property search to find his client’s ideal property according to the criteria set out in the contract.
Yes, a search mandate is compulsory and governed by the Hoguet law of January 2, 1970.

The fees for the Des Murs A Paris property-hunting service are listed on a sliding scale attached to the mandate, ranging from 3% to 2% depending on the value of the property purchased, with a minimum of €10,000 including VAT, and calculated on the net selling price.
These fees are only payable on successful completion. In other words, on the day of signature of the deed of sale.